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Joseph Lubin 在 SXSW 2019 大会上畅谈以太坊

2019-3-19 08:08

来源: cryptoglobe

上周,以太坊联合创始人和以太坊开发工作室 ConsenSys 的创始人 Joseph Lubin 受邀在 SXSW 大会上就加密货币发表演说。Lubin 起先是在 2011 年第一次读到 Satoshi Nakamoto 的比特币白皮书时受到启发的。然后他和 V 神进行会面,携手共建了以太坊生态系统的雏形,并在单飞后创建了 ConsenSys。Lubin 认为以太坊是基础的信任层,但以太坊 2.0 的实现至少还需要 18 到 24 个月。他还透露,ConsenSys 今年将发布四款到五款实用型代币。

Joseph Lubin Talks About Ethereum At SXSW 2019

Joseph Lubin, the co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Ethereum development studio ConsenSys was invited to speak about the cryptocurrency at SXSW last week. Lubin talked about a variety of topics, that included Bitcoin and the Ethereum ecosystem. Lubin initially got inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin whitepaper the first time he read it in 2011. He then went on to meet Vitalik Buterin and helped with the initial creation of Ethereum ecosystem before leaving to start ConsenSys. Lubin sees Ethereum as the base trust layer and expects Ethereum 2.0 to take at least another 18-24 months. He also revealed that ConsenSys is set to launch four or five utility tokens this year. 

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