a: ETH原文:The Ethereum Platform requires, for proper operation, and comprehensive utilization, a cryptographic fuel called Ether (“ETH”).
This document describes the Genesis Sale in which the fuel token (Ether or ETH) is sold, as well as the perpetual coordinated spontaneous creation of the “cryptofuel.” Parties may be interested in purchasing ETH (the cryptofuel) in the Genesis Sale to build and power business applications, to pay for coming distributed application services on the Ethereum Platform, to pay for other tokens that may be created on the Ethereum Platform for various applications, or to support the development of the Ethereum Platform.
b:EOS原文:NOT A PURCHASE OF EOS PLATFORM TOKENS. EOS Tokens purchased under this Agreement are not tokens on the EOS Platform. Buyer acknowledges, understands and agrees that Buyer should not expect and there is no guarantee or representation made by Company that Buyer will receive any other product, service, rights, attributes, functionalities, features or assets of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, any cryptographic tokens or digital assets now or in the future whether through receipt, exchange, conversion, redemption or otherwise.
根据购买协议显示,本次购买的EOS token并不是EOS正式平台上的币。EOS 团队也并不承诺或表示买方在未来一定会获得基于EOS平台的任何数字资产或token。